Contents [show]
- Labor Consulting
- Research, consulting and investigation about Labor law
- Labor contract drafting, experimental agreement and others labor related to human resource, evaluation
- Setting up the internal labor regulation, payroll, evaluation, registration/proposal
- Setting up the payroll and evaluation form, based on Labor Law or intructions of Ministry of Labor
- Labor Union establishment, representative for the company in Labor Union, settlement labor disputes
- Application for work permit, temporary work permit, VISA…
- Legal Consulting
- Other Legal & Labor Consulting
- Conclusion
Leaded by Japanese and Vietnamese lawyers with wide experience in handling corporate and international cases, and together with paralegals and translators having background in legal field, we provide consulting on legal and labor matters as the LEGAL & LABOR TEAM.. We everyday tackle a lot of and various affairs with our motto “Service in Japanese level quality and with Japanese level quickness”, and, thanks to valuable clients, have been rapidly expanding operation. It is also our strength being organized for provide legal and labor consulting closely cooperating with other teams such as ACC, INC and M&A teams as a one-stop consulting firm. We are well capable of providing our service in Japanese, English and Vietnamese. In addition, we are going to have one more Japanese lawyer staying in our Hanoi office, which enables us to provide our service more closely with clients.
Please click here for more details about our lawyer – Mr. Ishizuka
Labor Consulting
Originally deriving from AGS Labor Team, we, LEGAL & LABOR TEAM have accumulated wide range of knowledge and know-how through handling a lot of and various cases for 7-8 years since the establishment of AGS. With connection with Ministry of Labor and other govermental departments, we can consult and investigate about labour law and register essential documents or negotiate about labour issue.
Research, consulting and investigation about Labor law
We can conduct research and investigation about labour law relating to company operation. Beside, we also are well-knowledged about labour issue for the newly established enteprise. Please contact us if you have any concern.
Labor contract drafting, experimental agreement and others labor related to human resource, evaluation
Reviewing and drafting labour contract and probation agreement. We can handle all documents not only for establishment period but during operation: the performance bonus, position allowance and training expense, resignation document and other relating dossiers.
Setting up the internal labor regulation, payroll, evaluation, registration/proposal
Setting up and evaluating the labour regulations. We can handle all documents not only for establishment period but during operation. Beside,we provide registration service with governmental departments. Based on law and labour regulations, it is compulsory for the company with over 10 employees to register to Ministry of labour; however, this term is recommended to all kind of company in oder to maintain the fairness and business development
Setting up the payroll and evaluation form, based on Labor Law or intructions of Ministry of Labor
Please re-consider the updated version of labor law and regulations (not only at the establishment period of the company). Beside, we also provide registration service at authorized government office
Labor Union establishment, representative for the company in Labor Union, settlement labor disputes
Supporting in Labor Union establishment based on regulations of company. In order to maintain policies compliance and effective using the expense for the union, please consider to establish Labor Union when the number of employee increases steadily .
Beside, we also conduct consulting service to accede external Labor Union. Depend on the situation, we support in consulting and handling discipline violation or labor dispute (such as: strike)
Negotiation with Ministry of Labor or authorized government organization. Please contact us for more details.
Application for work permit, temporary work permit, VISA…
Application for work permit, temporary work permit, VISA… This service belongs to INC department, please refer the detail here
Legal Consulting
In compare with 2013 and 2014, the number of Japanese and Vietnamese lawyers increases rapidly. All competent Japanese and Vietnamese Lawyers – experienced in Business Law and Civil Law – are able to provide professional legal consulting service relating to business in Viet Nam.
The increases of number of handling case in common with team-work improvement and knowledge upgrade, we are proud to be known as a trustworthy law firm not only in Japan but other countries.
Beside, we aim to provide the comprehensive One-stop service – from advantage of service dimension and cooperation of other teams – with better quality than other competiters. In 2016, we plan to recruit more Japanese and Vietnamese Lawyers for Japanese office.
Legal investigation and consulting
Handling and investigating about isssue relating to business operation. We offer accurate and speedy research from daily business tasks to official investigation. Continuously enriching experience, knowledge and key-point to improve quality of service
Drafting the contract, evaluating and negotiating
We support to draft and review the contract relating to business operation. Throughout the frequent cases in relevant issues, we enrich our experience in dealing with all kind of contract, especially complicated and important case like business contract between newly established / on operating Japanese company and company in Vietnam. We also support in extension all kind of contracts – occur while operating business in Viet Nam such as: real estate leasing contract or rental agreement, purchase agreement (general), authorized processing contracts, consulting contracts, copyright contracts, dealer agency contract, wholesale agency contract, franchise contracts or loan agreement.
In Socialist country, but the “Freedom of contact” principle in Viet Nam is still appreciated, contract is the main legal grounds of business dispute. It’s said that Japanses doesn’t concern much about contract in compare with American or European, but in case signing contract in Viet Nam or other FDI company (not from Japan), the contract (under doubts or dispute) is recommended to be drafted and evaluated by us than other party from Japan.
During the process of dealing with new or exited contract, please discuss with us. We are able to consulting in English – Japanese – Vietnamese
Supporting in business negotiation by Japanese Lawyer (English speaking), Vietnamese Lawyer and paralegal (Japanese speaking)
Legaly translating
Traslating other contracts, policies and regulations. From a basic memo to 100-pages law documents, we are able to provide professional traslation within English, Vietnamese, Japanese.
M&A (including DD)
We handle contract drafting and evaluation, DD, restructuring mail and plan, and other M&A service. This is one of the most competent service of our One stop service. To offer the professional M&A service, we only provide high standard consulting service based on corresponding, accurate, timely Information of Person-in-chagre. Experience in dealing with various cases, including DD by Japanese / Vietnamese Lawyer and even AGS participant, we are able to provide legal and M&A service for Legal department of FDI company.
Company dissolution and insolvency
About corporation dissolution and insolvency, we are able to handle 10 cases within a year. This is offerred in our One stop service – in cooperation with Accounting & Tax Team và Business Matching Team. We comprehensively support in dealing with govermental department for fast and smoothly conclusion.In cooperation with M&A team, we also support in exiting the market or looking for partner in trading market for the company.
Intellectual property
Handling and investigating about isssue relating to intellectual property in the company: evalutating, translating and dafting contract or registering for business purpose. For more details, please contact with us.
Other Legal & Labor Consulting
Labor – Legal conselor (monthly)
Providing Labor – Legal conselor service monthly with reasonable fee, to guarentee the legally sustainability of company
Disputes and prosecutions
Basically, we can handle legal issues. Specifically, we settle the legal procedure as client demand and support while proceeding disputes and ligitation, monitor or solve promptly if neccesary, in common with communicate with legal department.
Seminar holding
The research seminar (both internal and external) are held by Japanese and Vietnamese Lawyers
Along with the increase of Japanese company in Vietnam, workload of legal repectively ascend, we recruit more and more employee (both Japanese and Vietnamese lawyers) to meet the demand. Beside, we also accumulate more and more experience and strategic to increase the quality and speed of supplying service.
Sharing and storage
The content in the book is provided for the customers and AGS staff.
The content in the book should be used for reference purposes only.If you have an intention to use any of the information, please inform us in advance.